Platanthera cristata (Michx.) Lindl.

Crested Orange Bog Orchid

Facts About

Accepted Synonyms: Blephariglottis cristata

Platanthera cristata, commonly known as Crested Orange Bog Orchid, is found across the southeastern United States, from Texas to Florida, and up the east coast to New Hampshire. It produces 2-4 stem leaves and bears a dense inflorescence of multiple showy, bright orange flowers. The labellum is often highly fringed, and a spur protrudes from the back of the flower with a triangular or key-hole shaped opening. It can be found growing in moist meadows, marshes, and prairies, as well as in sphagnum bogs and wooded flats.

Platanthera cristata is considered globally secure, but it is rare or vulnerable throughout much of its range.
It is known to form a natural hybrid with P. blephariglottis, named P. × canbyi, with P. ciliaris, named P. × channellii and with P. chapmanii, named P. × apalachicola.


This orchid is pollinated by Bombus pensylvanicus in search of a reward. Because of flower morphology (i.e., the forward facing and close together viscidia) pollinia are attached to the head of the bee.

Ecosystem Type

Bogs, fens, floodplains, marshes, meadows, prairie, woodlands


Leaf arrangement:
Number of leaves on stem:
  • two
  • three
  • four
Form of the labellum:
the labellum is not pouch-like
Labellum outline:
the labellum is fringed
Main color of labellum:
Nectar spur:
Inflorescence type:
the inflorescence is a raceme
Labellum characteristics:
  • the labellum has a spur
  • the labellum is fringed
Labellum length:
4–8 mm
Sepal length:
3–5 mm
Plant height:
18–90 cm
Show All Characteristics

Native to North America


North American Conservation Status & Distribution

Conservation Status

Select a location to view conservation status:

Conservation and Wetland Status
Global Rank Secure
US Status N/A
Canadian Status N/A

North America Distribution

Adapted from USDA data
